Sunday, February 25, 2007

Disneyland of Technology ?

Yes, that's how Jean Louis Gassee describes Silicon Valley. CNET covers SFMOMA's candid videos from Valley survivors. The stories ring true and are touching and funny. Of course, they represent only a small cross section. When powerful ambition, money and technology collide some amazing things come out of it. The stories in the videos expose some of the ambition and the heartache. What they don't capture is the pace at which change occurs here. Who says you can't time the market ? There are many extremely successful people in the valley who got there by doing exactly that. Of course, as I discussed last week, you could attribute that to karma :-) But, then there are the true legends like Steve Jobs or Larry Ellison who truly deserve the success they have earned, simply because they have sustained it over very long periods of time. They have transformed their passion into world changing technology and reaped the rewards, again and again. I am sure they will not be the last and that's what makes the Valley the Disneyland of technology.

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